You Can Have It All: Why You Should Consider Sales as a Career

Camille Shaw-Pigeon
July 10, 2015

Think about what you want out of your first job. Is it a cool, young work environment? Or maybe room to grow and learn? How about making money, that has to be kind of important too? For millennials entering the workplace, they often cite job autonomy, opportunities for professional growth and promotion and company culture as the most important factors in choosing where they’ll work. Now, what if we told you that a career in sales could give you all of that, plus the compensation you really want. Don’t be afraid to say it, you want it all out of your first job.

Sure, sales isn’t for the faint of heart, you’re going to have to want it and work hard for it. But, while you’re working hard, you’ll be around cool people working for innovative and dynamic and solving customer’s problems, not just selling them some random product. Today, the b2b technology market is rapidly expanding and they need Business Development Representatives (BDR’s) to help them get their products out there. Sales in this industry focuses on problem solving and consulting rather than aggressive and pushy tactics people often associate with sales roles. Here, not only is there the opportunity to grow and learn but it’s also a widely expanding and lucrative field.

That’s where we come in. Here at LaunchSource, we’ve made some strong connections with over 20 local Boston tech companies that are rapidly hiring for their BDR teams. They want the fresh talent and we want to introduce you to them. We know that sales is a place where there’s unlimited opportunity for growth and excellent money to match and today, we’re helping Millennials recognize these opportunities too. The biggest selling point on sales, is that it’s the best way to get your foot in the door for a career in business. Once you’ve become a successful BDR there are more and more opportunities to move into other parts of the business world.

So, the moral of this story is that you shouldn’t be afraid to add that making money is on your list of what you want out of a career. Sales in the B2B technology market allows you to receive great compensation for helping others all while meeting your own professional goals and development. We know that your first job out of college can feel overwhelming, but never fear, you’re closer to having it all than you think.
