Often times, it’s so easy to get so caught up in answering questions at an interview that you forget a key point; you’re there to ask questions too.
A good job interview should be more like a discussion and less like an interrogation. Not only will this make you feel more comfortable, it’ll also allow you the opportunity to really get a feel of what a company is like and show that you’re interested and engaged in learning more about working there. Because asking questions is just as important as answering them, here are 4 great ones to keep in mind and ask an employer at your next interview.
- What skills would you consider to be important for this role? This is a great question because it’s open-ended and requires your interviewer to describe the ideal candidate to you. If they mention a skill you may have, but haven’t talked about, this a great time to mention it.
- How do you see this position evolving in the next few years? This shows that you want to grow within the company and that you’re interested in your future there, not just the immediate job on hand.
- What can I clarify to make hiring me an easier decision? This forward question shows you’re open to feedback and confident that you can clarify any uncertainty an employer may have.
- What are next steps? This should be one of the last questions you ask but it’s nonetheless a very important one. This question demonstrates that you’re sincerely interested in moving forward in the interview process.
You should always be thinking of relevant questions to ask while you’re speaking with an employer; but, these 4 questions are fail-proof options for every interview and will demonstrate you’re thoughtful, inquisitive and interested in the position.