Hire Faster
And With Confidence
Get time back to focus on closing top talent with a dependable source of the most qualified candidates with diverse backgrounds eager to excel in tech sales.

Best Talents
Companies We’ve Worked With
Get your time back
With experience from millions of applicants and the widest network of hiring companies, we can provide you with a system that has been proven to help companies hire just one person or scale their sales teams at the most economical cost ever.
Save time on sourcing to focus on closing
Finding talent is time-consuming and can become costly with recruiter fees or bad hires. We source and qualify candidates, making interviewing more efficient.
Hire the best fit with a dependable pipeline of talent
We vet candidates based on a process designed by sales leaders. Our candidates come from various backgrounds and experiences with transferrable skills.
Gain insight into how your company can win top talent
With research based on a million candidates and the widest network of tech companies, we will help your team stay aligned to win the right talent for your sales organization.
Create a better hiring experience and reduce your time to hire
Sales leaders across the US and Canada love LaunchSource's interview enablement solution, proven to reduce time to hire by up to 75%.

Your next hire
is at your fingertips
Hundreds of companies have leveraged LaunchSource, now we’re giving you the opportunity to access and hire vetted sales talent.